
65 Back to work

I have stormed inside his office like an angel of death I presume because I got a few wary looks. It only gave me a little more confidence.

"Can you tell my husband that I'm here", I said to Lia while pretending to be nice.

"Sorry Mrs Wellington he is very busy right now", said she smugly..

Damn him! He might have allowed her to say it. Otherwise she wouldn't have.

"How long?", I asked her.

"He didn't say", said Lia said with an artificial smile.

"Well I'm not leaving without seeing him", I said strongly.

"Fine wait for him", she said with a frown.

I was counting seconds when I was called back by the bitch herself. I walked to her almost ready to give her a fine lash of words if she tried to make me leave.But she called me.

"Sir will see you now", she said unhappily.

I walked to the room with harsh steps. I wanted to kick his obnoxious face. Why did I ever get married to him? He was nothing but a controlling bastard.

I pushed the door with a little more force than necessary. I found
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