
Chapter 76: Cassidy

##Chapter 76: Cassidy

Book Two: Don't Leave

The ice is the only place where I can lose myself. I pass the puck to one of my wingers and fall back to guard our goal. The last thing I want to think about is how my relationship with Cole has gone up in a burst of flames.

How is it possible that almost a month ago, I couldn't imagine us being apart?

And now-

A hard hit from the left knocks me off my skates. I crash onto the ice and roll to my back. Even with all my padded protection, it hurts like hell. My eyes water as I fight to find my breath. I haven't taken a hit like that in years. It feels like the very life has been knocked from my body.

I open my eyes and stare up into Sammy's narrowed blue ones.

What the fuck!

I can't believe she trucked into me like that!

When I'm finally able to suck enough oxygen into my lungs, it still takes a few moments before I can grit out the question. "What the hell, Sammy?"

She shrugs her broad shoulders, which look even more massive underneath
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