

"What? What's wrong with Reed?" Zoe asked, peering at us with confusion.

I shot out of my seat, pulling Connor up with me. "It was nice meeting you again, Zoe but we have got to go."

Connor bolted for the door while I hurried to catch up with him. What could possibly happen to Reed to worry Connor so much? Father could not have figured out where I was, could he? I hoped to the gods Reed was alright when we find him. Breathing heavily, I climbed into the passenger's seat when I reached the car. Connor sped off, going past the speed limit. His veins bulged along his forehead, neck and knuckles. I began to fear he might shift into a werewolf while driving.

"Connor," I squeaked.

The car screeched to a halt in front of my house. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary except for the absence of Reed who should out here, waiting for us and the open front door. My heart thudded in my chest and my palms became sweaty.

"Reed?!" I shouted as I stepped down from the car. "Reed, where are you?"

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