
Chapter 61- Present Time

Present Times

The past or the future?

Life … or death?

The words drifted toward her through the darkness. Detached syllables. The rough scrape of a flat, airless voice that reached into the heavy drowse of her mind and forced her to come awake, to listen. To make a choice.


Or death?

The Nork or the future?

Grace groaned against the cold plank floor beneath her cheek, trying to bar the voice after she woke up three hours ago– and the relentless decision it demanded –from her mind. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard these words, this question. Not the first time in the space of some endless hours that she’d peeled one heavy eyelid open in the frigid stillness of her cabin home and found herself looking into the terrible face of a monster.

Demons, vampires or whatever it was.

"Choose, little one," the creature whispered thinly, the word drawn out in a slow hiss.

Grave was lost, she couldn't remember anything, all she knew was the past, the kingdom of Nork. She was su
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