

Ken assisted Tina in boarding the yacht for their romantic getaway to keep the sparks flying and the fire burning in their love life. He loved to go on an adventure with Tina she made him discover another side of him he never thought existed. She kept him feeling alive, and happy and felt loved and needed something he had never experienced in life and he was completely wiped and so in love and was happy that at last unlike the previous relationships he had that left him empty and unhappy this relationship made him feel fulfilled.

He had requested the yacht for a river cruise he found the river calm and the whole day they would enjoy God’s creation the mountains and escarpments, the forests and some wild creators like monkeys jumping on the tree branches enjoying the birds singing the space green of the forests and most of all there was a place they could swim with the dolphins. 

The interior of the yacht was beautifully designed with glass windows and oak. It had comfortable grey cushions with an indoor dining room that was beautifully set and the glass windows enabled you to view and admire mother nature and natural green forest while on the sail.

They sailed for about three hours nonstop basking in the sun at the sundeck on the beautiful and relaxing beach beds that were provided on deck. Tina sat on the sun deck of the yacht enjoying gazing at the blue skies and watching the landscape and the town and castles they passed by and the natural forests which emitted a lot of fresh air and the green color to behold. There is no other better way to enjoy nature and peace than to exist in it and enjoy the tranquility that one would never experience in urban areas.

As Ken was enjoying watching the love of his life and drinking a cool beer he produced sunscreen and offered to rub it on Tina’s smooth body who was now only dressed in a swimsuit to protect her skin from damaging UV rays. The sun was getting hot so they both needed to prevent their skin from sun damage. He rubbed her back with the sunscreen, her shoulders, and legs but the way she was mourning and the sweet sounds she made when he was rubbing her made Ken unable to resist himself but to kiss her mouth passionately and his hormones could not be controlled that he made love to her on the deck thanks to the cool and sentimental music and the crew had given them their privacy. The two love birds made love on the deck and only nature could ascertain their love. They later relaxed and went indoors to the bedroom which had a large bed with white sheets and enjoyed their siesta while candling one another and making love until they were exhausted and fell into slumber land.

They were awoken later in the afternoon by the crew members when they arrived at a small port to go visit abandoned castle ruins and their tour guide explained the history of the castle. They took a hike to the castle and climbed to the top and enjoyed the view of the land and vineyard which was breathtaking watching the timeless vineyards and abandoned and living castles while cruising on the river was an experience of a lifetime.

They later visited a neighboring vineyard for a wine-tasting experience.  Tina who is a wine lover enjoyed the delicious wine tasting in the iconic chateaux. There was delicious wine to be tasted and Tina who did most of the tasting was beyond herself with excitement but since Ken did not want her to drink he stopped her from her wine tasting and bought a few bottles for her and they had to go back since they had one more stop to make before they head back home.

They went back to the boat and arrived at a port with a shallow beach and were told to change to their swimsuits, leggings, wetsuits, and rash guards since they were going to swim with the dolphins. They had an educational tour first where they were taught about the intelligence and the psychological behavior of the dolphins and the marine life. Swimming with the Dolphins was one kind of experience that you will carry the memories of a lifetime. We were instructed on how to hold onto the dolphins while they lead us swimming in the water, floating on our backs while dolphins push us onto our feet and how to give them kisses, rub their soft skin or even most amusing give them a handshake. They are very friendly and lovely animals and the experience was calming. They enjoyed the admirable show with the dolphins which was very calming when getting up and close to them they had so much love to offer. They went back to the boat the captain said that he received a radio that they were needed urgently back at Ken’s parents’ home so reluctantly they left the beach and dolphins.

They relaxed on the bed tired from the day’s events which were a handful. The love birds were in a dreamland when they had a knock on the door, Ken opened the door and the crew told them to be ready they will be landing in the next thirty minutes. 

Time passes fast Ken woke Tina who was feeling lazy and told her she needed to shower and change. But Tina protested since she didn’t have any dresses to put on. “I’ll go shower at home”, Tina said, “No darling, please put on this dress and inner wear I bought you we are going to my parent's house for dinner”. What Tina was surprised yes sweetie I need to introduce you to them”. But no buts sweetie you are my future please put on the dress and also I have brought a make-up artist on board so that you will look beautiful. There was a stunning blue dress. The make-up artist made her face up her hair and assisted her in dressing plus the shoes she also had matching shoes and her promise chain which was always on her neck as her good luck charm. Her hair was tied up and some beautiful silver clip held it up to look so beautiful.

After she was done she went to the mirror to look at herself but she was also astonished by her image the dress looked beautiful and expensive and she inquired from the make-up artist who told her it was a designer dress and might have cost a fortune. Tina wondered how far Ken was willing to go to make her happy and was excited that she had a man to take care of her for once. Since her parents passed on she had always been in charge of her future. Ken also wore a Navy blue suit with a sky blue shirt and he looked sharp and sexy, every woman’s dream and the only thing Tina could do was to kiss him and thank him for the dress but he said he is the man and it was his responsibility to make his woman look beautiful. Tina could only smile and thank her stars. They left the yacht and a car was waiting for them to take them to Ken’s parent's home for the dinner party they were invited to. Ken opened the door for Tina to get in and immediately after she entered the car, Tina fell asleep. Ken was amazed at the way she was sleeping but considering the day’s activity she might be exhausted and needed some rest.

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