


Maya and Clara got to room 005 in the male ward after looking for it for some time. “Hold on, I just want to be sure before we barge into someone else” Maya said to Clara, she peeped through the transparent half glass door and saw her husband. The old man was sleeping beautifully and his knee had a bandage on it, she smiled on seeing him but wondered why the bandage was on his knees. “Maybe that is why the doctor said the case is complicated, maybe they did a knee surgery” she thought but waved it off, after all her husband is fine.

“He is right there but sleeping, let’s just go inside gently” Maya said as she turned to look at Clara. “Okay mum, I cannot wait to see dad” Clara said excited. “Come on” Maya uttered as she pulled the door knob gently opening the door. She walked inside the room and Clara followed, Sophie was sleeping so she was not a problem.

Maya sat on the little chair close to John Gillian's bed, she looked at him and realised how beautiful the old
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