


“Hello doctor” Maya Gillian phoned. “Hello” a male voice answered almost immediately. “Maya Gillian speaking” she said rubbing her hair. “Yes ma'am, how are you and the Adolf?” the doctor asked. “Very well, he is resting” Maya Gillian responded again. “I need to talk to you about the surrogate mom, is there any way I can meet her? At least, to know how she and my child are doing before she delivers” the old man’s wife uttered.

“You know that not part of the agreement we had, she is fine as well as your child. We will take care of her; trust me and when it is time, we will hand over your baby to you. You don't need to be scared or worried about anything, everything is in control. Your baby us in perfect condition, I assure you. It is our responsibility to take care of her and do the monitoring, so it's okay. Leave her to us, your baby is safe andvfine” the voice spoke again.

“And yeah, we carried out some scans and I will send the pictures to you soon” Dr. Al
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