
133|Crosshairs-Part 2

Natalie was about to text Levi to let him know she'd arrived safely at The Castle when the double doors yawned open, and Samuel came out. He beckoned her inside, and she reluctantly left her seat, dread crawling up her tummy all the way to her throat.

As soon as she walked into the spacious office, the head of security left them alone, closing the door behind them.

The man, in all his imposing presence, sat behind a mahogany desk. When he looked up, it was like being transported thirty or forty years into the future and seeing an older Levi.

He had the same smoky eyes, thick eyebrows, wavy black hair smattered with hints of grey and chiselled features that God had certainly taken his time to carve because his face was a perfect example of the golden ratio.

Unlike his son, though, there was a coldness in his eyes and meanness in the way his lips curved into a sneer as he threw her an icy glance, his gaze slowly gliding up and down her dark department store pantsuit.

"Ms Taylor." He nod
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Elizabeth Emery
I think Levi's father is one the investors in Dreams. I would not put it past him to have tried to sell Colleen on a girlfreind contract to someone very very filthy rich. If he is ruthless enough to keep Jamie from getting a needed transplant he is evil.
goodnovel comment avatar
Elizabeth Emery
I have a bad feeli g about the old man and the truth about what happened to Colleen. This feeling is about something that has crossed my mind more than once.
goodnovel comment avatar
Elizabeth Emery
Gargamel....that is who Charles Leviticus Van Holt the third reminds me of.

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