
71: Low And Lower


I have already fallen off the deep end, so what if I kept going downhill from there.

Never in my twenty five years of life did I think I would ever raise my hands on someone out of jealousy. But at that moment, I wasn’t thinking. It didn’t make it right, I know that. I should get a better grip of my emotions for next time.

I sure hope there won’t be a next time. Because just the thought of that has my hands itching, wanting to do more damage. Again.

There is no way I’ll stand by and let him have her. And yes, she isn’t a possession or mine to keep. But I don’t fucking care, I’m going to have her either way and I’m keeping her with me. By my side.

I couldn’t stand another man touching her. Thinking of him seeing her secret smiles, knowing her heart. Knowing what it felt like to be loved by her.

The days we spent here and her letting down her walls, letting me see her heart. It made me feel like she was in love with me for real. Not as a teenager with a stupid crush. But a woman w
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