

Leia felt her throat dry at his words. She feels shaky and sick as she thinks about what she's about to offer.

"Well? Don't just keep me waiting now." Mark's words did nothing to lessen her anxiety. But the woman manages to keep her cool( what was left of it anyway) as she replies.

"IF I lose-" she says, laying a lot of emphasis on the 'if'. "- I will spend the night with y-you." Her words stumble from her lips, her tongue feeling thick and clumsy in her mouth.


"Oh really~" Mark practically purrs. Leia gives a sharp nod. She can practically see the stars gleaming in his eyes.

"So I can ask for anything?." He croons.

Leia swallows again.

"Anything." She whispers.

"You know Leia, you've always been reticent with me. But it seems you're finally coming around." He muses with a dark chuckle.

"It's only a bet!." Leia says defensively. He snorts at her words.

"Sure Leia, just a bet." He seems to find her words amusing. The woman just scowls, still scared but trying to hide behi
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