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I stirred slightly, my eyes fluttering open to the soft glow of the room. My gaze landed on Adolph, sitting on the floor beside my bed, his head resting on the mattress. A warm smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched him, his peaceful form radiating a sense of calmness. The knitted blanket lay beside me, and without a second thought, I reached for it and gently draped it over him, ensuring he was comfortable.

He looked so adorable in that moment, his features relaxed in slumber. I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of his care for me. Adolph, the strong and commanding Alpha, was sitting here, guarding over me as I slept. It was a touching sight that resonated deeply within my heart.

With a contented sigh, I settled back onto the bed, my eyelids growing heavy once again. The warmth of the blankets cocooned me, and I slipped back into a peaceful sleep.

Morning sunlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow across the room. I blinked my eyes open and stretched,
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