

I awoke with a start after just falling asleep two yes you read correct two hours ago.

Someone was coming in the door and I had grabbed a butcher knife from my aunts knife drawer.

I jumped up out of the chair with the knife in hand and my aunt comes around the door I sighed in relief.

"Damn Diana what the hell are you doing with one of my butcher knives!" she exclaimed out of frustration and fear.

"I am sorry I thought someone was breaking in and because I have never stayed here before I did not know how else to protect the kids." I stated.

"It is fine now will you please put that knife away you are safe here?" she asked.

"Sure thing."

"How was your night?"

"First I do not know if my mother told you what happened."

"What happened?"

"Well I had to call her because Angel stated to me that she did not have to listen to me and then decided to tell me that she was going to run away, and you did not tell me weather I could whoop ass or not so I told her that I will not watch children who do not listen to me again because they say that they do not need a babysitter."

"I am so sorry that happened to you are you going to stay the rest of the night or do you want to go home?"

"I will stay because my mother is going to come get me in the morning to take me home so I can get my body back on work schedule, because the night after tomorrow night I have to go to work."

"Okay and here I owe you this plus extra for what my oldest put you through tonight."

"You do not need to give me anything extra."

"Yes I do because I told all three of them not to give you any trouble because you had just gotten off work that morning and would not deal with any bullshit because you were probably going to be tired."

Fast forward to the next morning

It is 9am when my mother comes to get me.

"Diana go sit in the car while I talk to my sister and tell her from now on to call June because June does not care if she has permission or not to whoop some ass."

"Okay mother."

We are now home after a quiet 15 minute ride and I go in and climb into my bed I'm exhausted from getting scared out of my wits while I was sleeping.



That is how I got woke up so that I could stay up all night long for work the next night.

I eat dinner then go sit in the livingroom and decide that I am going to call Thomas.

"Hello?" is the reply I get from Thomas when he answers his phone.

"Hello Thomas how was your day?" I asked extremely curious.

"Well I slept all day then got up to eat and shower and now I'm on the phone with you how was your day?"

"My day was almost like yours except for the fact that I got home from babysitting a demon girl and her two angel brother's."

"Wait what happened?" he asks me with concern in his tone.

"I am fine I just told my aunt that I will not babysit for her ever again I do not really want to go into it I'm so over that shit and honestly I'm just annoyed."

"Why didn't you call me when this was going on?"

"Well because you worked the next night for overtime and I was not trying to call you when you were at work duh" I said while laughing.

"Oh shit I forgot about that lol sorry."

"No matter so how do you keep yourself up at night so that you can sleep all day for work?" I asked genuinely curious to see if he can help me to stay up all night for my shift the next night.

"Have you heard of the adult swim channel?"

"No what is that?"

"Find it on your cable and click on it. There are plenty of shows for you to watch and there is one that comes on at 5am it is called Inuyasha."

So I find the adult swim channel and turn it on and we continue talking and when Inuyasha comes on he stays on the phone and we both laugh at the same times about the same things.


"Good night Thomas and thank you for staying on the phone with me all night you did not have to."

"It was a good way to get to know you some and not a problem see you tonight at work."


Time for me to get up ugh why did I think that working 12 hour shifts was going to be a good thing? I take my pill go downstairs after I showered eat dinner and then jump in the car to go to work.


At work sitting outside smoking a cigarette, waiting to see Thomas and when I see him my face goes into a grin. I am so happy to see him he made my day brighter.

"Hello Thomas."

"Well hello to you to, how are you tonight?"

"I am much better my aunt called me and then told me she had someone who wanted to say something to me, I do not know how she got my cousin to apologize for her behavior but it helped me some, and because I get to see your gorgeous face."

"That is fantastic but I have to get in there and find out where they are putting me, I hope they put you in a section where I can see you and make sure you dont fall asleep with your eyes wide open again lol. Oh and here before I forget I got you a pick me up that should last you all night long." He said as he handed me a two liter of mountain dew.

"You didnt have to do that."

"Yes I did lol because I cant have you falling asleep again and risk getting caught and wrote up."

"Thank you Thomas."

It is now 11pm and the parts that my press spits out to me is getting to light in color. I have to go to the end of my press to call the material handler and guess who it is..... You guessed it it is Thomas lol man this man is not going to like this press.

We work two more nights and then off on Saturday Sunday and Monday.

Saturday morning on the car ride home my mother calls my stepfather and tells him since we have a three day weekend that we are going to the drive in tonight. I heard that and decided that I wanted to invite Thomas and have a date with him finafuckinly.

"Can I text Thomas and ask him if he wants to go with us tonight?" I asked hopefully.

"I do not see why not."

"Yay" I squeal like a little girl lol.

"Thomas would you like to go to the drive in tonight with me and my family?"

While I am waiting on a response I hold my breath while looking at my phone I then hear that welcomed ding with his response.

"Yes but lets make it a date between the two of us I would like to get to know you better."

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