


A few days had passed since my encounter with the handsome stranger. He hadn’t called or texted, even though he had my number. I kept checking my phone at every beep I heard, hoping it was him, only to be disappointed every single time. He didn’t even show up at the cafe anymore. I finally accepted the reality that he wouldn’t contact me. Perhaps he didn’t feel the attraction I thought he did, or maybe it was all just in my head. I decided not to dwell on my feelings for someone I barely knew when I had other stuff to focus on, like going to visit my dad on my day off.

Although he couldn’t speak to me anymore, I still loved spending time with him. I got dressed and headed towards the hospital, determined not to let this silly thing with the handsome stranger consume my thoughts any longer. He shouldn’t have this much influence on me.

I was stressed from overthinking; I could sense my head about to explode, so I made the decision to take a walk and clear my mind. I took a longer route to the hospital. The bubbly city streets, the trees wavering in the breeze, the tweeting birds, and the laughter of kids riding by on their bikes - it all made me wish I could be carefree again. No worries, just pure bubbling joy. The buzz of my phone jolted me from my wistful daze, and I immediately started praying it was him as I checked the caller ID - an unfamiliar number. My heart leaped.

“Hey, sunshine,” I heard from the other end.

“Mister, you forgot to share your name; it’s Sophie,” I replied, unable to keep the smile from my voice.

He chuckled. “You didn’t ask for it. My name is Alex.”

“Nice. So what have you been up to?” I asked, attempting to keep the conversation light.

“Nothing,” he replied.

I snorted before I could stop myself. “Nothing, and you’re just calling now?”

“Oh, someone’s been waiting for me to call,” he teased.

I felt my cheeks warm. “You wish. I have other things filling my time.”

“Sure, sure. Like waiting by the phone for little ol’ me because I had such an effect on you. Just admit it, sunshine.”

I laughed despite myself. “Okay, maybe a tiny bit.”

“Tiny bit is good enough. Nice start, right?” he remarked, his tone playful.

“I would like to see you again though. Not at work this time,” he continued.

“I’d like that too,” I replied.

“How about today?”

I considered for a moment. “What time and place? And just so you know, I’m not some fancy girl who loves flowers and fancy dining,” I clarified, wanting to set expectations right.

“Got it. What about casual stuff, like grabbing a bite or watching a movie?” he asked, seeming open to the idea.

“That sounds more like it,” I responded, relieved.

“So, it’s a date?” he inquired, his voice tinged with excitement.

“Well, if you ask properly,” I teased back, wanting to keep things light.

“Alright sunshine, will you do me the honour of going on a date with me today at 6 PM?” he asked formally.

“I guess I’ll spare you the agony of rejection and say yes,” I joked, and he chuckled warmly.

“Thanks for being so considerate of my feelings, my lady,” he said appreciatively.

“I have to go right now,” I said as I was already at the hospital.

“Okay, sunshine. See you later and I’ll send the address to you.”

I got home at exactly 4:40 pm and rushed straight to my room to pick out what to wear. I started tearing through the hangers, throwing them on the floor.

“Come on, work with me,” I groaned, surrounded by a growing pile of rejected outfits. Nothing looked right.

Collapsing back onto the clothes mountain, I sighed heavily. “Just one cute outfit, that’s all I’m asking.”

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my meltdown, a text from Alex. Hope you’ve not changed your mind.

I read the text twice, a giddy smile spreading across my face. In a flash, I hopped up and dashed straight to my parent’s room. I knew just the thing.

There it was - my mom’s brand-new pair of jeans that would be perfect on me. Snatching them up, I grabbed my favorite shirt to go with it.

“Yessss!” I did a little happy dance, admiring the winning look.

After the world’s fastest shower, I slipped into the date night look. I was giving my hair one final touch when…

“Going anywhere, missy?”

I tried playing it cool, but she could always see right through me. “Hey Mom, didn’t expect you home so soon…”

She crossed her arms, giving me that classic mom look. “Out with it, young lady.”

I couldn’t meet her eyes, suddenly shy. “Well, I might be…going on a date kinda?”

“A date, huh?” My mom’s eyebrow raised as she settled onto the couch, patting the spot next to her. “I know we have been busy lately, but let’s have a quick mother-and-daughter chat, okay?”

“Mommyyyy, please can we talk about it when I get back? it’s already past the time we agreed to meet,” I implored, checking the clock.

“Who is he?” She asked

“Okay Mommy, you win. He is Alex; I met him at the café,” I began, telling my mom about our encounter. I couldn’t hide the smile that crept onto my face.

“You like him,” she said with a knowing look.

“Mom,” I called out.

“It’s obvious. You should have seen your face while you were talking about him.”

“Maybe,” I conceded, blushing slightly.

“Does this Alex actually like you though?” Mom raised an eyebrow. “It’s important you know if he has real feelings for you.”

She gave me a serious look. “And he needs to be his genuine self - not just pretending to be someone he’s not to win you over. You deserve better than that, Sophie.”

Mom put her arm around me. “So don’t rush into anything, okay? Take it slow getting to know him. Never settle for a guy simply because he was the first to show his interest. You’re a great lady, and you should hang on for someone really special who appreciates the real you.” I hugged her tightly while whispering, “Thanks, Mom; I love you.”

“I love you too, Sophie,” she said as she planted a kiss on my head. “You should go now and be careful.”

I got to the park, and it seemed empty and dark. I unlocked my phone to call Alex and let him know I was there, but before I could hit dial, all the lights came on, and I saw him coming from the opposite end with a huge teddy bear in his hand. I couldn’t contain my feelings; I smiled at how beautiful the whole thing was. He finally got close and handed me the teddy bear.

“You said you didn’t like flowers, and I knew coming empty-handed wouldn’t be nice, so I opted for this,” he said, smiling.

“This is so thoughtful, but I don’t think anybody is here. Are we allowed to stay here?” I asked, a bit surprised.

“Yes, we are because I rented it out for us,” he said confidently.

“Wow, isn’t that too much?” I replied, shocked.

“Nothing is too much for you, sunshine. Let’s stop the talking and get to the fun,” he said, pulling me closer.

As I stood next to him, his cologne filled my senses with a manly yet sweet scent, giving me butterflies in my stomach. This felt all new and exciting, but I was scared of falling for him too quickly. Thinking back on my mother's words, I gently pulled back a bit.

“Okay, now it’s time to have some fun,” I responded hopefully, consciously trying to move on from what I was feeling.

We had the longest conversations, laughing, chatting, and simply doing fun things together. The park became our private park, and it looked like a fairyland when all the lights were turned on. We were like two kids on a carousel on a carefree day with Alex insisting that we take a snapshot at every single turn.

As the evening wore on, we settled down on a bench to look at the stars. The night air was cool, and Alex slipped his jacket over my shoulders to warm me up. I felt his genuine concern for me. We barely spoke, but we felt good being with each other.

At last, Alex faced me with a sparkle in his eyes. "You know, I'm glad you agreed to this date. Spending this time with you has been way better than I imagined."

I smiled back at him, my heart swelling. "Me too. It is like I am witnessing the core of you, and I'm loving what I see."

When we stood up to leave, he laced his hand with mine, and I could feel sparks of joy within me. At the exit gate, a car approached and parked right in front of us. Alex turned to me, his expression earnest. "So, I have to ask - where do you see this going? I feel like there's something special here, and I'd love to explore it by taking things to the next level."

“Don’t you think that’s too fast?” I said shyly, looking away.

“I like you, Sophie, and I don't want to lose my chance," he grinned sheepishly. "How about this - why don't we plan a few more dates? That way, we can take it slow and see if we're truly a good fit."

I smiled back at him. "I'd like that. Hmm, let's about ten dates? That should give us plenty of time to figure things out, don't you think?" I teased.

"Ten dates, huh?" Alex chuckled. "Well, if that's what it takes to win you over, then ten dates it is. I love challenges, sunshine."

He softly put his hand on my back guiding me towards his car. "Come on, let me drive you home. I wouldn't want you to have to worry about getting back on your own."

I got into the passenger seat, and we drove off down the faintly lit streets. The drive was filled with lively and laid-back conversation, and I found myself relaxing more in Alex’s company than I wished for it not to end.

When we pulled up to my apartment, he turned to me with a smile. "I enjoyed myself, Sophie. Can't wait for our next date."

"Me too," I admitted, feeling my cheeks warm. "Thank you for today. I had a ball.”

"Anything for you, sunshine," he murmured, his eyes focused on my lips. Little by little, he moved closer, and then our lips met in a soft, lengthened kiss, my heart started beating faster.

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