
Chapter eighty-eight

Layla’s POV

My heart stopped for a moment, I was so scared that I went completely white.

I had done a lot of evil deeds in the past, but never have I been caught in this manner. My mind was in a fucking turmoil, what would he do to me now? My short reign in Ethan's pack was over! How was I supposed to answer all the questions he was going to throw at me? Goodness, I was toast.

Ethan looked at me with impassive eyes, I couldn't read his emotions and those eyes of his told me nothing. That made me more petrified.

"Layla, there you are." He said, walking over to me as if nothing had happened. "I've been looking for you."

My eyes flickered, why wasn't he saying anything about the drink? Or did he not see anything? I was in a feat of suspense, so I just played along in the meantime.

"Uhm…me? Why?" I asked, my voice stammering slightly.

He stared at the tray for the first time, his eyes were still the same and he just looked away. That made my heavy chest drop with relief, he hadn't see
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