
Chapter 36.

Marissa POV.

The sound of a fire crackling in the room brought me out of my sleep. Cracking my eyes open, I blink to clear the sleep from my mind. I groan as I sit up and wince as the pain radiates from my head. Touching the spot that hurt, I hiss.

Looking around the room, I become confused. This isn’t the guest room at Thomas’s house, neither is it any room I have ever been in before. I try to remember what happened and how I got here, but nothing.

The room is beautiful though modern but warm looking. A loud pop comes from the fireplace. Tuning my head, I see a high back armchair facing the flames. The room is warm and cosy and for some reason I feel … safe.

Pulling the quilt back, I look down and see that I have been changed into pink silk pyjamas as I shuffle towards the edge of the bed. Placing my feet down on the lush silver carpet. Standing, I walk towards the chair.

“You’re finally awake.” I stop in my tracks and look for the woman who has spoken when she stands from the armcha
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