

Danirmala's house in the city of Mala

Al was at home alone, he was left behind by his Queens who were busy preparing for the coming war. Since Al had yet to get his memory back, he preferred not to interfere first. Actually the biggest reason for Al not getting involved was not not understanding but because he was lazy. Reason enough for the Queens to agree with, but got a bit of a fight with Noe the Queen of the elves.

Al just soaked in a pool of warm water and started to feel bored, he then planned to tour the cities around the city of Mala. Even though Al knew that he was not alone, there was Selen who was not too far from Al to watch over him.

"Oi Selen!" I shouted, still soaking in the pool.

"Ahhh papa already noticed my existence." Selen immediately appeared at the edge of the pool, she even opened her clothes.

"What do you want to do!?" I asked as she undressed.

"Join the bath," she replied, still continuing to take off the shirt and pants she was wearing.

"What were you assign
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