
Chapter 59


We were on our way home, but the words Adam said were still ringing inside my head. I was still wondering what he wanted to talk to me about, but he could not say in front of Emma and Alice because he wanted to surprise my sister. I have to find out, I will call Adam to come to the pack house as soon as we arrive home. We arrived in the parking lot in front of the house and I could see that my mom was waiting for us in front of the house. I parked the car and we got out of the car.

- Hey guys, how was shopping? My mom asked us

- Mom it was tiring, but also fun. I found what I needed and bought the first edition of “EMILY OF NEW MOON”. With Frontispiece in Color by M.L. Kirk (SIGNED). Alice told my mom

- Oh, honey I am so glad for you, and what about you Emma, did you two buy anything? Mom asked

- Well we bought a wallet for him, it is the same as Noah’s. Emma answered.

- Oh, I was not asking that, I wanted to know if you bought something for yourselves. mom corrected herself

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