
Don't do it


Shiver ran down her spine when she recognized the voice.

“Becca. What are you doing here?” Care boldly spoke. She was expecting Chloe, but Becca showed up instead of her sister.

“Will you believe me if I said Iam here to kill you?” Becca laughed, keeping both of her arms behind her back.

“Are you insane? What are you talking about? I don’t have time to chit-chat with you,” Care calmly replied, stepping forward.

“You are probably right because you won’t have time to live your life. I know you are the reason for my break-up,” Becca snarled.

“I... Iam not the reason. You misunderstood,” Care stammered. She doesn’t need to be afraid of Becca, but today something doesn’t feel right.

“Don’t act innocent. You want to steal him from me. Well, congratulation. You did it. I don’t know why you and your sisters are always interfering in my life. Caleb never liked me and now he will never look at me,” Becca shouted, and walked out to lock the classroom door.

“My brother will never fall for a girl like you. I didn’t send that footage but you deserved it, maybe more than that.” Care smirked, folding her arms over her chest.

“Maybe yes, but Iam feeling sorry for you. You are going to deserve the worse than me.” Becca took a gun behind her. She slowly pointed it at Caroline.

“What are you doing? Are you nut? Why do you have an idea of killing for this boyfriend drama. You are going to regret it. Caleb or Daniel won’t let you live your life ever again,” Care tried to speak, not showing her fear, but the more she tried, the more she panicked. She stumbled over a table.

“You don’t know what I am capable of. I don’t need Daniel or Caleb. All I need is to get you out of my life. That’s enough. I will take care of the rest.” Becca’s ready to pull the trigger in her anger without hesitation, without thinking about how her life will be if she murdered someone.

If she has any knife, Care can able to manage it. But she is holding a gun. Care can’t escape from this. Within a blink of her second, her life will be over. She never did anything to deserve a life like this. She’s younger to die, just like Ruby. Suddenly, some thoughts entered her mind. What if Becca killed Ruby but soon, she got rid of the thought? Now she has to save her life.

‘I won’t die. Defiantly not in the hands of a bitch,’

Suddenly, she noticed something in her pocket popped up.

“That’s Chloe’s phone. Care knows that her sister has a kitty back cover on her phone. What do you do to her?” Care scared if she did something to her sister. Who is not strong enough to handle this?

“Who? Chloe? I can’t tell you. What can you do?” Becca challenged.

“If you did something to her. Iam not going to let you leave this room alive,” Chloe gritted her teeth. She has to protect her younger sister. The only way is to escape. Her hands touched something on the table. Without hesitation, she took it and threw it at Becca. It’s just a duster, but she aimed it perfectly, which hit her on her head. She dropped the gun, growled, and rubbed her head. Care didn’t make a move to get that gun. Becca is so near the fallen gun she can’t risk coming near her. Care took her phone and texted the class name and SOS to Charlotte and Caleb. She doesn’t know whether or not they will see it. But all there’s left is hope.

Care rushed to the back door of the class.

“Stop right there or I will shoot you right now,” Becca warned with a gun in one hand and the other on her head.

“Iam still not shooting you. Do you know why?” Becca questioned, taking one step at a time. Care’s heart is beating fast with each step.


“I need one answer. Who took that footage? I know it’s not you. You won’t be inside the school. Your only job is in caffeine. So, who did that?” She commanded.

Caroline doesn’t want to tell Ruby’s name even though she’s not alive. She needs to answer something unbelievable so Becca will be engaged in talking with her till Caleb or charlotte comes to stop her.

“You know what? the friends are your enemy. Tiffany betrayed you,” Caroline said the lie with so much confidence.

“What the hell are you talking about? Tiffany is my friend. She always stood by my side in all situations.” Becca didn’t believe her.

“Do you know that for sure? How can you be so naïve and a bitch at the same time? No one can trust anyone. Think about that,” Care explained it, believing every word she’s telling.

Becca’s mind wonders over many incidents. She doesn’t treat her friends nicely, but she never thought they will betray her and also Tiffany was there with her in the restroom standing next to her. How can she take the video? By the way,Today Tiffany and Wes didn’t even answer her call. They always answer at any time. Still, there’s no sign of them.

“Are you trying to trick me? It isn’t easy. Tell me the truth,” Becca shouted.

“Okay. I will prove it to you. I will show the evidence on my phone.” Care took her phone and searched for long minutes.

“Hey, you liar, you are trying to call someone. I know it.” Becca pulled the trigger. Caroline dropped the phone and bent down in sudden reaction. The bullet hit the wall instead of Care. This proves Becca is really strong enough to kill Caroline.

Caroline ran to the front door, jumping from the benches to benches causing loud noises. Becca is shouted at her more than twice, each time missing her target. Still, the noise isn’t loud enough to be heard at the party time. Finally, Care stood near the board, and the teacher’s table not able to make it to the door.


“We still have time for the dance. Why don’t you get me a glass of champagne?” Bianca asked Caleb, hoping to get closer with him? But Caleb’s eyes settled on his phone.

Caroline: Come to Chloe’s class. Please, right now.

Caroline Becca is with a gun. She is going to kill me.

Caroline: I can’t manage it anymore. Goddamn, look at your phone.

“I got to go,” Caleb snapped and ran through the crowd.

“Watch where you go,” a boy shouted at Caleb, who was pushing everyone out of the way to get to the classroom.


Charlotte is seated on a bench inside a classroom. A teacher who is kissing a teacher will surely be a problem if they are caught in anyone’s eyes. But they both didn’t care about that. Jason is kissing Charlotte passionately. They both broke apart to catch their breath. Soon, Jason started kissing her neck. When Charlotte was moaning, her phone beeped more than once. It beeped twice, thrice and more.

“What the hell?” she frustratedly to her phone from her bag when Jason is still kissing her.

“Oh my God!” Charlotte gasped and pushed herself away from Jason

“What’s wrong?” He asked in confusion.

“I should go now,” she rushed out of the room.

“Wait, where are you going? “ he called after her, but she is already out of his sight.

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