
Twenty Seven

 "I'm staying." He was finally going to open up to her.

Isn't she lucky? 

Damien walked away from the room leaving Kimberly.

"Whoa! Did he realize what he just said? I need to take my bath and change into something. I'm sure going to stay in this huge house with him for today and hearing him talk about his life. Truly, he deserves to live a good life." Kimberly said to herself.

Kimberly took her bath in the guest room and before she came out, a well folded green cloth has been lay down on the bed.

She took it, wore it and the cloth stopped right at her knees.

"Phew! Isn't this short?" 

"It isn't. It stopped right at your knees. You've wore dresses like that before. So, I don't see why you should complain about this." Damien suddenly popped his head out from the door.

"Have you been standing there and peeping?" Kimberly shrieked.


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