
We Finally Got Them

Linda’s POV

Fallon’s words sent a chill down my spine. What did she mean by “we finally got them”? And why did it feel like she was still playing this dangerous game, one that could cost me my life?

“Fallon, I don’t care how close you think you are,” I said firmly, pushing through the pain in my ribs to maintain my resolve. “I’m not risking my life any longer. I need time to lay low, to figure things out.”

There was a hint of desperation in her voice as she responded, “Linda…” She sighed. “Please, we are on the verge of finally exposing them. Just give me a little more time. A day?”

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. I could not ignore the danger any longer, couldn’t pretend like everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t.

This could be like the time when we went to that town, we had thought that we were so close to finally putting an end to all of this, but you know how that ended.

I could not keep doing this. I did not think it was worth it for me to lose my life over Fallon getti
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