


The dinner was a disaster. Well, for me. Mason seemed to be enjoying the company of the crazy artefact collectors. Being obsessed with old objects seemed like a crazy hobby for crazy people to me. The intense conversations they were having made me rethink my choice of partner. Could I really be with a man that crazy for the rest of my life? I laughed as I watched him speak so passionately with the other collectors. He was having the time of his life.

Unlike me. I was forgotten, just sitting there, picking through my food. The room was animated but I’d not said a word since the introductions. Occasionally, I’d catch Alaine staring at me. She seemed to be glad that I was nothing but a shadow in the room.

“Wanna get out of here?”

I turned to my right. The redhead who had introduced herself as Kareen said.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “It seems people like me are not needed here.”

She chuckled and stood up. Rising, I glanced at Mason. He was too preoccupied to see me. He was showing the guys
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