
Seduced for Revenge: 110 - Best Friend

“Miss Regina, I have another long-stemmed rose for you.”

“Is anybody leaving a note or at least a name who it came from?”

“No, not that I’ve seen. I just found the rose in your mailbox.”

“Is the mailman leaving it, then?”

“He says that every time he opens the back of his truck, there was already one with your name on it placed on the top of his delivery.”

“That’s odd. Well, do you mind if you do that favor for me again?” Regina was afraid to voice out she had a stalker, because the flowers only started arriving after she broke up with Owen.

Telling anybody someone was stalking her would be the end of her freedom. Her parents or her siblings would come and whisk her away immediately and keep her under their watchful eye.

“Yes, Miss Regina. I know what to do.” Jeffrey gets rid of the flowers but does not throw them in the trash can for the building. He takes them home and disposes of them in the community compost bin because he suspects Regina has a stalker. It was not the first t

Aww… she just acquired a best friend.

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