
Hell up


“Do you have anything about this damn move under control?” I bellowed at Winona. She was shoving clothes into a cardboard box that Carlos, Sebastian, Dante, and I had brought over.

“Oh, shut the hell up!” she screamed, holding up a shirt against herself in the mirror as if this was the time to determine what she wanted to pack.

“Why the fuck are we doing this today?” I growled at Sebastian. We should have given Winona a year to pack up her stuff because a week wasn’t long enough.

Ever the know-it-all, he stood stoically and replied with his arms crossed, “Because it has to be done today.”

I didn’t hide my anger as I ripped the shirt from Winona and threw it in the box. “Try shit on later. Throw it in a box, and we’ll carry it down to the moving truck. I got stuff to do tonight, and at this rate, we’ll never be done by then.”

She curled her glossed lip at me and peered around my shoulder to see Carlos moving a vase from her table. “Be like Carlos. Do something constructive like pa
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