
10. (DANE POV)


As the Masters filed into the room, their eyes momentarily landed on Jo. My posture stiffened, a subtle but clear warning. A low growl escaped, a primal signal that she was under my protection, something I rarely did. The message only took a short time to resonate. Soon, no eyes dared linger on her.

Camilla initiated the ceremony. "Does any human wish to declare their Master?" The question hung heavily, an invitation to solidify bonds I'm certain none of these humans actually wanted yet.

Among the responses, one of Jo's fellow newcomers chose Dominic. Swiftly, he cloaked her in a robe and presented his wrist, signifying the sealing of their connection.

When Camilla demanded the humans disrobe and present themselves, I found myself in a dilemma. With a hesitant motion, I helped Jo shed her robe before swiftly pulling her back into the safety of my arms.

It wasn't time for her to stand exposed, not until she was ready, not until she chose me openly as her guardian in this
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