
25. (JO POV)


As the limo pulled up to the academy, its arrival marked a distinct shift in the atmosphere. It was no ordinary vehicle but an opulent, brand-new stretch limo. The extravagance of the moment was not lost on me, reminding me of the world I was now entangled with.

Deirk escorted us to the vehicle with a warmth uncharacteristic of the stoic persona I had come to associate him with.

He wrapped me in a brief hug that felt surprisingly intimate. "Thank you," he murmured, "for allowing me to feed. I really needed it." The sincerity in his eyes was unmistakable.

Dane couldn't resist a light-hearted jab. "Alright, don't go getting all sweet on my girl," he teased, his words carrying a playful edge that misrepresented the possessive undertone I clearly sensed.

Though made in jest, his comment resonated with a sense of territorial claim that, oddly enough, didn't feel as suffocating as I might have expected.

The sight of the limo elicited a laugh from Dane. He turned to Deirk in
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