
Chapter 13 Injured Lucio

It was cloudy when Jose went out in the morning, and it began to rain lightly at noon. Jose braved the rain and came back carrying a load. In the afternoon, he could rest at home for half a day. At noon, the family talked about one thing while having dinner.

"Dad, you said Beerspa's Cavaliers recently caught a group of people smuggling fars?" Selena stopped to eat and asked in surprise.

Jose took a bite of the wheat bread pancake and nodded: "In the past few days, people around Beerspa City have been talking about this matter. They said that a group of people were caught, and two of them ran away. They were all beggars in their twenties. Among them were A few of them who were only fourteen or fifteen years old. Alas, they are still a bunch of kids. They have no choice but to do this..."

Selena's eyes flashed after hearing this. She lowered her head and took a piece of wheat bread cake, then gently broke off a small piece of cake and put it into her mouth. She felt that her mouth had no
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