
Fairy Godmother

She huffed and said something, but I couldn't understand with her back to me.

I watched her shoulders rise and fall.

Then she turned.

"I'm Quilla Templeton. Your fairy godmother. Maybe you remember me?" She stuck out a hand wrapped in a fingerless glove.

I got on my knees and moved toward the edge of the bed. "Um, Quilla, is it?"

She nodded, blowing her bangs off her forehead. "Yes."

I took her hand. "I'm much too old to need a fairy godmother, and you seem too young to be one."

She rolled her eyes. "It's a title, Cinderella." Her cheeks reddened. "And I'm older than I look. We fairies age at a much slower rate than humans." She stepped back.

"If you're a fairy, where are your wings?" I didn't mean to sound presumptuous, but fairies were supposed to have them.

That much I knew.

Her cheeks got even redder. "Well, aren't you just a tactless bundle of appallingly bad manners?" She crossed her arms.

I didn't see a need to respond to that.

"A mean and awful fairy by the name of Tinker
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