
Emotional differences.

NOTE;(Extremely long thriller chapter) ;)


“What do you mean?"

Archer tried to swallow the worry that plagued his face but he failed, “I fear Vincelli 's men might be here soon. We can't risk having another person dead and I won't lose you again."

Turning away, I took a deep breath and quickly thought this was true. He was right, if Vincelli's men get here, we're all screwed. I won't let what happened to Marc to happen to anyone else. I won't run anymore. I've been a coward towards my feelings for far too long.

I turned back and frowned towards Archer who towered before me as I convinced myself, “You're right. We can't put the others in danger. And well... you did save me once. I guess I owe this to you."

Archer gave a short nod and a look of relief swept briefly across his face, "I have to make a Call.”

At that moment, Nadia walked in as Archer walked towards the balcony, stumbling into each other.

“Forgive me." He apologized as he steadied her up and for the first time, she held
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