
56: Ashallia

Ash let him lead her to a small Italian style cafe, where they sat and had coffee while waiting for Nate to join them again. Jason's company was enjoyable, if sometimes quiet, but he spoke in other ways, especially touch. Like now, as he held her hand over the table, lightly stroking her fingers with his thumb. It was sweet, and she smiled at him, enjoying the feel of him being close.

It wasn't long until Nate found them, and Jason moved to sit beside her instead, resting his hand on her thigh as Nate sat opposite. She turned his hand over, slipping her fingers between his and squeezing his hand gently, and he returned it. Most of lunch was spent that way, with lots of little touches, in between eating and talking, and she found herself enjoying it immensely.

Nate was good company too, warm and friendly, seeming more like Lukas than Alex, but a little more reserved. She felt lucky to have all of them in her life now, but couldn't help feeling a little nervous as their talk turned to
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