

Damien walked through the village, he realized that everywhere was empty, the villagers were not outside doing their jobs, it was still a hot afternoon, so why would the villagers not be outside their homes, going about for their daily activities, curious what the villagers were doing, quickly, he went still his transparent form, as he knocked on a house, no reply was heard, quietly, Damien opened the door, the occupants of the building were lying sitting down, scared to the wit, as they looked do afraid about who entered the room, but they could not see any one, quickly he closed the door back, as he went to three more houses, they all looked the same, all scared to their wit, what was wrong with then been scared, he decided to try the fifth house, as he opened it, he saw a rein, eating the occupants of the room alive, as the rein munched on the family, Damien shook at the horrible sight that he saw, the reins stop eating their prey as they turned around, looking for who opened the

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