

"The remitter was Rita."

The answer covered Liam's face with a layer of frozen ice. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. We even found the surveillance tape of Rita remitting at the bank."

"Send me the video."


He hung up, is face livid.

The remitter was Rita?

That's the last outcome he would expect.

With a plinking sound, a message popped up on his phone.

Liam put the car in neutral and clicked on the video.

When he's done watching the clip, he looked so dreadful that as if he was going to kill someone.

He dialed a number. "Jacob, I'll send you a video.

I need you to find out whether it's been edited.

Hit me back in ten minutes and tell me the result."

"No. don't hang up, I want to know immediately."

"Yeah... alright."

Jacob was still drinking, the sudden call and Liam's cold voice gave him a pause. Then he put down his wine hurriedly and dashed upstairs to the third floor of the bar.

It was one of Jacob's stomping grounds.

He turned on the computer and start authenticating t
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