
Chapter 543

If Samantha asked her parents for it, she would definitely be lectured badly. She thought hard about it and took out her phone. Then, she sent Levi a message.

"Levi, can you lend me 40 million dollars?"

She waited for a long time, but he didn't reply to her at all. She gave up hope, and the auction continued.

In the end, Holly spent five million dollars and bought a pearl necklace. The golden pearls were pretty, and each of them was almost a perfect sphere. They glowed faintly under the light, and she was certain Priscilla would love it.

When the auction was over, Holly grabbed Bryce's check to make the payment and sign the agreement. When she came out, she saw Samantha hiding in the corner and making calls to borrow money.

Samantha didn't notice Holly approaching her since she had her back facing the latter.

Holly silently stood behind her and heard what she was saying on the phone.

Samantha cried, "Levi, you're my fiancé, and we're getting married. What's wrong with me borr
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