

Kendrick's mom had been with them for about two weeks and their charade was going on well even better than when she came. They had learned a lot about each other that they didn't know before.

" Enjoy your day at work today," Brie said to her husband as she helped him fix his tie. 

" Thank you, I will. What are you doing today?" he asked pecking her on her lips. She had grown used to him casually pecking her on her lips even when they were having conversations and she was loving it. Who knows after her mother-in-law leaves things may go back to how they were before or even worse. She had to enjoy each and every moment while it lasted.

" I have a meeting with my board today, we are making headway with establishing another branch of our business here in Vegas," she replied. She knew he was supposed to put in his word for her but he's being reluctant.

" Oh, I forgot to ask. How did the meeting with the potential partner go?" he asked scratching his head

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