

Damon leaves, ensuring my dad stays with me. Hours pass by as we don't speak, and I refuse to put Raye down.

"Hand her here, get a shower and some sleep." My dad reaches out for her. "Trix, I promise not to put her down."

Her looks at me waiting, moving slowly I hand her over to him.

"You shouldn't hate him you know."

His words shock me, and I look at him confused.

"You told him to do anything it took, and he did. You would hate him far more if he refused and Raye was still with Lucy. Look at it the other way around, had it been Paul, what would you have done?"

I want to disagree but the truth is, I would have done far more to save Raye.

"I would have done the same." I admit outloud.

"Exactly, so don't punish him and push him away. Paul got in between you two, ruined what you had at the start. You could have spoken up about what was going on but chose not to. He forgave you for it all, you should forgive him."

I nod to h

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