

"Oh, Brooke, dear, you've grown into such a beautiful young woman!" Her aunt, Lisa, gushed, admiring her niece with adoration. "I'm wonderful dear, now you're here."

"Thanks, Lisa," Brooklyn said, blushing from the compliment.

"Brooklyn, it's a pleasure to have you staying with us," her uncle, David, said and ruffled Brooklyn's curly blonde hair.

"Thanks for letting me stay," Brooklyn said sincerely. "Mum and dad are driving each other mental."

"Tell us something we don't know," David muttered and shook his head. "I've never seen a more stressful divorce."

"It's been crazy, but I am glad I'm away from them," Brooklyn shrugged.

"I'm glad you're with us," Lisa smiled. "I'm going to start dinner, it should be ready within the hour."

"Okay," Brooklyn nodded and made her way back over to her bed where a magazine was laying.

"Oh, Brooklyn, I almost forgot; school starts tomorrow."


"It's... Cute?" Brooklyn desperately searched for a nice word to describe the bricked building in front of he
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