
Elena Knight

The car drove slowly into a big mansion, two times bigger than the one they lived in. Lauren resisted the urge to gasp. She adjusted the dress she wore over and over again.

Malcolm sighed exasperatedly, “Stop that already. You’ll do just fine.”

She nodded, hoping he was right. The car came to a halt and the two doors opened and the couple stepped out. Lauren put on her best smile and decorum. She walked in with Malcolm, their arms linked together. If Malcolm hadn’t informed her before time, she would have gasped at the sight of the neatly kept Victorian-style sitting room.

A smartly dressed man walked up to them, bowing smoothly, “Welcome, Young Master, Miss.”

Lauren saw Malcolm frown at the young man’s address and quickly squeezed his palm gently to avoid him lashing out at the young man.

  “She is your Young Mistress.” He spoke calmly, “Next time, I might not be too lenient.”<

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