
He's on his way here.

Lauren kept running. The weight of Bryann whom she hugged tight plus her burning back kept holding her back but she ignored it all. Her priority right now was to make sure Bryan was safe. She wanted to make sure he was still alive, although his breathing told her so, she just wanted to confirm that he hadn’t been poisoned. Finally, she found herself back on a busy road and she heaved a sigh of relief. Quickly, she flagged down a cab. She couldn’t go back home, at least not right now. She didn’t think she had the energy to face Malcolm’s wrath. She didn’t want him to see her bleeding back or her ruined dress that was now soaked in her own blood. She couldn’t go to the Byrne mansion either. Only one place came to her head and quickly, she gave him an address.

As the car came to a halt in front of the Knight mansion, Lauren took deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. Bryan first. She reminded herself. She wasn’t

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