
Pretentious Bitch!

Lauren swallowed a lump of saliva to keep her dry throat wet. Why the hell did Malcolm not warn her about this?

She hated trouble and these women definitely smelt like trouble.

Grabbing a drink from a passing waitress, she whispered a thank-you with a smile. Taking a sip of the red liquid, she closed her eyes as she savoured its sweet taste followed by a burning sensation, ignoring the looks she got from the half dozen women in the room.

  “it looks like Malcolm got himself a new whore.” One spoke up.

  “Yolanda!” another scolded, “Don’t be rude. The poor girl might break down in tears.”

Giggles filled the room but Lauren paid no attention. She was never a big fan of gossips and won’t start now. She smiled and sipped more from her glass. Now she knew why Malcolm didn’t inform her forehand. He was testing her and she wasn’t going to let him down.

  “Tell me girl,

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