
Chapter 59- Blood Loss

The senior doctor closed the door after himself and looked at Adrian with a serious concerned look on his face,

“I’m sorry to inform you that Miss Silverstone is still unconsciousness. She lost a lot of blood during the surgery, and we don’t have enough of her blood type blood available in this hospital, but don’t worry someone is already on their way over to pick up some more from another hospital nearby” he explained nice and clearly.

Adrian listened quietly with a serious look,

“The best private hospital in New-York, yet still lacking in the basic necessities” he said before he shook his head lightly, the annoyance clear in his voice. The doctor looked over at him,

“These kind of situations are out of our control sir, but don’t worry we are trying our best” he said quickly, thinking he didn’t looked pleased.

Adrian looked at him with a serious look,

“Best is not good enough, I want her awake and well by the evening” he said quietly yet very clearly, almost like it was a warning. Th
Layana Lane

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Theresa Clark
glad our Aria is OK.. was a lil worried there, for a second. Thank you Laya

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