
Chapter 48 She Stood Firm In Her Conviction.

Silence engulfed the entire room after Roxanne's question. It didn't take her long to realize that she had touched a subject that was meant to be untouched.

But she could no longer back down. Now she knew that it was all or none, so, straightening her shoulders and carrying her head high, she asked once more.

"My parents, you knew them?"

Henry glanced away from her momentarily and cleared his throat. "Yeah, your parents... They worked on a project with me for a while. It was brief so I had only just realized that you were their daughter."

What obvious lies, Roxanne thought as she effortlessly saw through the elderly mans' lies. He was hiding something else, she was sure of that.

And what project is he talking about? Was it perhaps the project labelled Cypher in her father's journal? She could not be sure, but Henry and the Cube family seemed to have more clues and evidence she needed to start deciphering the mystery behind her parents death that had recently been brought to light.

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