

Rey helped Amelia prepare about thirty slides for the presentation, when they were done, she was so exhausted that she slept off while still on a call with him.

The next day, Amelia got to work early to prepare herself more for the presentation.

Shortly after her arrival, Susan, her father's secretary walked into her office.

"Hello, Amelia." Susan greeted me with a smile.

"Hi," Amelia responded with a straight face.

"The boss sends for you. He wants you in his office as soon as possible." Susan said then she walked out of the office.

Amelia rolled her eyes after she left, she wasn't going to honor his invitation.

"Dana?" She called, a few minutes after Susan left.

Dana walked into the office from the toilet where she had been. "Yes, Amelia?" She responded.

"My father wants to see me," Amelia revealed and Dana raised a brow at her, waiting for her to go on.

"Stop staring at me that way, you're going there in place of me " Amelia added.

"But he asked to see you and not me." Dana retort
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