
Tension at dinner

Mr Brown still had the thought of firing Rey in mind. He didn't know how Amelia would feel about it.

The next day, during dinner, he decided to talk to her.

Amelia on her part was glad to see her father, he couldn't make it to dinner the previous night so she couldn't tell him about her day.

"Dad, what happened yesterday? You just ran away." She started.

"Yeah, you were having fun at the arcade so I didn't want to disturb you I got home late." He explained.

Amelia's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The arcade? How did you know I went to the arcade?" She questioned, looking at him suspiciously.

"Oh, I.. um ... someone saw you." Mr Brown quickly said.

"Uh-okay," Amelia responded. She heaved a sigh of relief as she almost thought he had seen her with Rey.

"So how was your day? And the arcade?" He asked.

"Fine, I guess." Amelia didn't understand why her father kept talking about the arcade.

"Just fine?" Mr Brown asked again and Amelia sighed.

"Dad, is there something wrong? Go ahead and say it."
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