
What’s he hiding?

"Princess, can I talk to you?" Rey said to Amelia.

Amelia buried her face even deeper into the magazine.

She was worried about Rey but that didn't surpass her annoyance for him ignoring her.

Rey sighed softly and approached her.

Amelia immediately stood up and went to the dining room.

Rey got the message, He was being ignored.

As soon as Amelia settled down in her chair, breakfast was served.

Rey smirked as he watched her dish her food herself. This felt ridiculous but he really wished he was doing that for her as usual.

"Never knew my Princess was so petty" Rey finally broke the silence in the dining room.

"What was that?" Amelia's fork dropped from her hand as she glared at him.

Rey smirked again, oblivious to Amelia's rising anger. If pissing her off was the only way to get her talking, he'd take it.

"Uh,nothing I was just uh…" He trailed off.

"Now you got speech disorder? I dare you to repeat that!"

"I never knew my princess was so petty, there I said it." Rey said in a relaxed
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