
BOOK 2: 25. Sinner

Antonio stepped out of the shower with his towel hanging loosely around his waist, showing off his beautiful body. I sat on the bed, watching him walk slowly to me, all the while my eyes were trained on that V line and what was below it. I bit my lips, with longing.

"You know, you keep looking at me like that and it's driving me crazy," Antonio bit his lips, taking my attention from his perfect V-line to his face. His long hair stuck to his body like a second skin because of how wet it was, and all I wanted to do was to run my fingers through it. I bit my lower lips with a sly smile playing on my lips.

"When you look at me like that, I can't help but think very bad thoughts," Antonio staled towards me like a predator towards his prey. I laid my back on the bed when Antonio got to me. He stood between my legs, spreading them wide, then he leaned in, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I shut my eyes at

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