

The mood is different between us than at other times. Usually, we're fighting or arguing about something, we get all hot and bothered and some sexual act happens. Acts I really enjoyed, if I might add.

This time there's no arguing. We're not fighting about me talking to another guy or him being too invasive. I don't object when he drives to his place, I send a text to Phoebe and Sammy telling them I won't be coming home tonight.

I know exactly what will happen tonight.

The black car follows us into Alessandro's private garage, I notice that there's another guy sitting next to Enzo. When they get out, I also notice that he's not remotely as built as Enzo, but there's an evil gleam in his eyes and I wonder who the hell he is. And again, why would Alessandro need extra security? Is his life in danger? What else is he not telling me?

I don't ask him, though. Because that will most certainly spoil the peace we're enjoying right now.

"My mom likes you." He takes my hand as we walk
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