
040 | Leandro's Rage

Liam’s P.O.V.

I was able to catch half of his body and decided to lay him down on the sofa first. If I hadn’t done that, his body might have just been injured by the shattered glasses waiting on the floor.

That was when I noticed that his right knuckles were wounded as if he cracked them against a firm and rocky object. I went to the guest’s restroom, brought the first aid kit, and returned in front of him.

No matter how I tried to ignore his recklessness, I had to treat his wounds immediately so it would not get infected. It didn’t take long for me to treat them. I removed the dirt and some torn skins before disinfecting them. Since his knuckles were no longer bleeding, I used direct pressure to control swelling. After that, I wrapped his hand with a sterile gauze bandage.

There was no question that Leandro was too sloshed, but I wanted to call it a night. I

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