

Dragana POV

“You did it, Dragana!! You did it!!!”, Cybela was splashing in the ocean like a little puppy, roaring in happy laughter, amused with my training. It was quite hilarious watching this huge dragon use the ocean as her pool and have the exuberance of a little child or a little pup. “I told you – you can do it!!! I told you” she purred, splashing water everywhere in sheer happiness, and I stood there feeling incredible. I was able to control the elements!!! In my hands I rotated the water, air, sand, and fire like a juggling ball, in a gentle concert, neither element colliding, floating simply on my command.

“Well done child!! Well done!!” I heard Solomon clapping behind me, but I dared not take my eyes off my project. Ever since we came back from Alexandria, Cybele in tow, I have been training. Accepting Aisha and Vasilla was still a work in progress. I did not understand the Tribrid connection, nor what to do with it. Magic, however, came much easier, and my witch side was
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