
Chapter 63: " Behind his eyes "

Demonise POV:

" A-ziyah? Your girl----- "

" Shhh... " Fergus cut me off using his finger. I looked at him and wanted to read his mind but I can't. Those dark eyes of him makes me shy but his lips wants me to stick with him.

" Aziyah was never been my lover. She was just my ace for your safety. " He said then sat down in bed while his back leaning at the headboard. " Look... " He said then took a deep breath.

" She's not a good person. She even killed two innocent girls just because of her obsession. I used her feelings as an advantage and she herself volunteered to it. " He stated and cupped my face. He pulled me in his arms before continuing.

" Your past accident was connected to the people who killed my father. In short, they are desperate that they even planned to kill the person whom I love the most. " I gulped many times after hearing his statements. Not knowing if it's true or not, but I can hear the tone of his sincerity.

" At that moment,

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goodnovel comment avatar
if that was the case why was ashiya naked in his office and kissing when no one was around... why did he bring her home... dem is already a prisoner nobody knows about her...
goodnovel comment avatar
stupid, dumb book... wasted my time not even gonna read the rest of second book....

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