
Being sold


After asking for the next day off, my boss Sharon told me to take it since I was her favorite worker. I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't have to go against Harold's wishes. The last time that happened, I was chained in the basement and beaten into submission.

I also asked my other boss at the animal shelter, and she asked me to go ahead. After parting ways with Jeremy, I got in my car and tiredly made my way home. It's almost five in the morning. The usual time I get off work for my night shift, but it always left me drained.

Something happened to Mesha because of the mistreatment that we received, and she had gotten quieter than before. I have tried communicating with her before, but she would always say a few words and then nothing.

I was able to make it home alive, and when I got there, I noticed that there was another vehicle parked in the driveway. I furrowed my brows as I tried to figure out who could be here so early, but then I remembered that Harold mentioned something about some people visiting, so maybe it was them. But why so early? I groaned and got out of my car after I parked it, then made my way inside, where I heard talking coming from the living room. He was the first one who saw me, and the smile he gave me terrified me. Just what was going on here?

“Aww, here she is, my one and only stepdaughter.” I gulped when all eyes landed on me, I didn't know what to do.

'Run!' Mesha shouted in my mind as I could feel her starting to panic, but I didn't run. I knew that something was wrong because of the vibes I was getting from these men and should have done exactly what Mesha said, but I was too in shock to do anything.

“She doesn't have much going on for her. Is this what Alpha King Elio purchased?” One of the men asked. My father scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“She might not be good to look at, but she's breedable, and your Alpha asked for an omega that's breedable. I believe that selling her to him was a good decision.” I released a nervous laugh after Dad said that.

“Um, Dad, what?” I asked, trying to maintain my composure, but my mind was still debating whether I should run or not.

“That's not the case. Alpha King Elio strictly asked for someone beautiful. She has untamed dull black hair that's going all over the place, and she's short. What is she 5'5?” The man asked while narrowing his eyes at me. Way to go, Sherlock.

“On top of that, her eyes are too big, and she doesn't even have any breasts that are visible to my eyes, let alone an ass. From here, I can see how flat it is. If the earth was flat, it would have been her fault because she sat on it.” The other man laughed as the asshole continued to insult me. Yeah, I know that I wasn't that good-looking, but did he have to say it like that? Poisonous bitch.

“I think that Alpha King Elio would like her, let's just look past her flaws and get the fuck out of here. Give the old man his money.” The kind man said to the other, who shot me a nasty glare but handed Dad a briefcase which I can assume had said money.

When I finally came to terms with what was happening, I decided to follow Mesha's advice and run. I turned around and sprinted out of there as fast as I could. I didn't have the strength to run as quickly as I would like, given the fact that Mesha kept on locking herself away, which prevented me from doing plenty of things.

I heard thunderous footsteps behind me, but I didn't stop as I tried to run to my neighbor's house. I was just about to make it when I was suddenly yanked from behind and pulled into a tight hold by one of the men.

I started struggling, fighting for my life, but as you can guess they are stronger than I am. So, it was easy for them to subdue me.

Trying to put up one last fight, I threw my head back and heard an ouch, which told me that I succeeded in my aim.

“Come on, grab the whore, and let's go, I don't want to deal with this anymore.” The man who was holding me said, and the other one did as he was told. Needless to say, I lost a fighting battle since I was outnumbered.

They managed to throw me in the car they came in, and I bumped my head against the door, leaving me feeling dizzy.

Is this what my life turned out to be? I'm as helpless as a young pup. I couldn't defend myself properly or even think straight. I should have gone straight to my car, but I forgot that I had the key and I could have gone to my room, but they would have kicked the door down to get to me. I was unable to call for any help, so I was stuck.

What I couldn't get over, though, was the fact that I was sold by my father to some king I knew nothing of. I was forcefully taken from my home, and now I was about to be handed over to someone who was allegedly supposed to get me pregnant.

I could have asked why this was happening to me, but I chose not to since I already believed that the day I was born as an omega, was to say I was cursed.

Knowing what was in store for me, I made a promise not just to myself, but to Mesha as well, that I was going to escape. I was going to run and start a new life for myself, even if it kills me, I'll die trying. Mark my words.

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