
You Look Very Beautiful

Third POV

The sight of this woman had caused him to be restless and nervous at the same time. He could feel his wolf inside of him, being over hyped and active by the constant shout of the word, "mate"

She walked cautiously, and gave off this smile that caused his body to tingle. It was as though his body had a mind of its own, his legs eager to walk towards her direction and his hands restlessly awaiting the feel of her skin.

She walked to some extent, where the maids could not go any further, and so they let go of the length transparent cape they held for her ease of movement. That was the opportunity he had sought for, and it was legal for him to do what he had in mind.

He walked towards her, towards Brynlee, and he drew out his hands out for hers. She placed her hand in his, and then he bent down and whispered the words to her, "You look very beautiful!"

She chuckled, blushing hot red on her chin as she mumbled the appreciative words to her and followed gently as he led her towa
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